

Ph.D. candidate in Earth Sciences -Seismology- 2018-Present: at National Autonomous University of Mexico, Institute of Geophysics.

M.Sc. Earth Sciences – Seismology- 2015 - 2018: at at National Autonomous University of Mexico, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Morelia

BSc. Geophysical Engineer 2008 - 2012: at National Autonomous University of Mexico, Engineer Faculty


FEB – JUN2023

Seismologist-Developer, National Seismological Service (SSN)

JAN 2022 – DEC 2022 AND APR 2023 - PRESENT
External consultant as a seismology expert, Grupo SELOME

JAN 2018 – APRIL 2023
Ph.D. and researcher assistant, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM.

MAY - JUN 2015

Field engineer, Terratunel

SEP 2014 - JAN 2015

Field engineer, Geoambiente-Sacmag

JAN -  SEP 2014

Engineer Jr., COMESA

Teaching experience



Continuing Education

First edition of ASPPLATAM.

One week workshop learning advanced programming techniques and best practices for shared projects. Using online repositories with GIT

3-day Workshop to learn about thue use of SpecFEm 2D y 3D. From U Alaska, U. Toronto and U. South Florida

2-day Workshop to learn about Moment Tensor Uncertainty Quantification inversion code. From U Alaska, U. Toronto and U. South Florida

2-weeks Workshop for Writing and Publishing Academic Articles in English. From graduate UNAM

American Geophysical Union Seismology Section Summer School:Remote Online Sessions for Emerging Seismologists Participated in a 11-week workshop focused on online learning in seismology. Workshop offered Python-based tutorials in data processing, modeling and interpretation.

3-weeks workshop focused on scientific Python3 for scientific data processing and graphical representation

National Seismological Service (Mexico): SeismicData Analysis. Two modules course (basic and advanced) focused on locating, calculating the focal mechanism and the magnitude of Mexican earthquakes with SEISAN

Contribution to the Scientific community

SINCE MARCH 2023 / Media & Brand volunteer for Seismica

Symposium co-organizer at the RAUGM-2021:

Since 2021 Co-organizer of TierraFest

SINCE JULY 2021 / CEE member at ENCiT -UNAM

2018 & 2019 UGM - Staff

Scientific dissemination.