Experience and Research

About my Research

Let me tell you a little about myself and my profile.

My work is about the study of historical earthquakes. I have obtained hypocentral locations (through a Bayesian inversion) and focal mechanisms (using an ad-hoc code based on Genetic Algorithms), for historical earthquakes based on on legacy seismic data.

I also have advanced experience in scientific programming, mainly in implementing methodologies and efficiently solving physical mathematical problems, inversion codes, and database processing.
In fact I developed a GUI for analog seismogram processing and analysis.

I am Jr in software development, analysis and quality, and version management using GIT.

I also have experience in seismic monitoring networks installation and maintenance, databases processing and analysis, and a little bit in probabilistic assessment of seismic hazard (PASH).

I am a geoscience lecture teacher and science communicator.

Research Interest